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*Important Stuff We Have to Tell You
BUY ONE, GET ONE 50% OFF: Buy one item at regular
price & get the second of equal or lesser value 50% off.
Excludes clearance.
Offers and pricing listed in this email are valid
Thursday, June 15 - Sunday, June 18, 2023, unless
otherwise noted. Prices effective in Canada only. This
message contains promotional content. Please do not reply
to this email. ©2023 Michaels Stores, Inc. 3939 West John
Carpenter Fwy, Irving, TX 75063.
Some advertised items may not be available at all store
locations. Percent off discounts are off original ticketed
price. All credit cards may not be accepted at all stores.
Selection and regular prices may vary. Typographic and
photographic errors are subject to correction at the store
level. Products available while quantities last and no
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